In Your Bag, CourierWare

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In your bag No: 470 – Dave Lam

Posted on  by Bellamy

In your bag 470, Dave Lam Dave brings us a regular bag today, well, regular compared to some of the stuff that I have had on here recently. But a lovely bag it is too. The very latest in digital next to the classic film cameras. Check it out. My names Dave Lam, i’m 27 and live in Cleveland, Ohio. I’ve never done a “what’s in your bag” ever because I generally don’t carry a bag honestly. I usually just wrap a Leica around my shoulder and go. But when i’m out shooting with the Rollei, and i’ll be doing quite a bit this coming month, this is the bag i’ll be taking. I shoot primarily Black and White in both 35mm and medium format, and rarely use digital (beside product shots it seems!). I’m mostly interested in happenings in the street, and landscapes of wherever I am. My bag: - Bare Bones Classic Bag (CourierWare) I was lucky enough to win this bag as a prize, and it’s amazing, Very little bottom padding but very versatile and rather unnoticeable. Great build quality and it can fit quite a lot for its size, Stefano can attest to this! - Leica M2 with Summicron-C 40mm f2 I’ve spent a few years now going through as much gear as you’d ever want to wade through, and decided my second combo (first Leica M) was the best for me. Just had this CLA’d by Youxin Ye, I love the simplicity of the M2 and the compactness and performance of the Summicron-C 40mm f2. I’ve attached a HeavyStar Summicron V2/V3 focusing tab on it for easier use. - Rolleiflex 2.8f As far as medium format cameras go, this one suits me best. I also love how it operates. The images are stunning too. - Sony RX-100 Great little point and shoot, that mostly gets used for product shots or random snapshots with the wide angle. - JapanCameraHunter Film Case (Thanks Trevor!) Trevor so kindly gave me this great film case, it does it’s job handily. - Container Store little container for 120 film I needed some way to carry 120 film in my pocket or in the bag easier and this fit the bill! Cheap too. - LG Nexus 4 (doubles as light meter) I use this as my light meter, using an app called “LightMeter” who would’ve known. It’s a pretty decent incident meter. I’ll jam some more film in there like that Neopan box, and my business cards (which are absent for some reason) This is probably as much gear as I would ever want to take at one time. Not seen is my Olympus OM-2n with 50mm f1.8 MC as my trusty back-up. My links:  Tumblr: Twitter: Flickr: Thanks for sharing your bag with us, it is great to see a film case in there too! Check out the links and make sure you some and comment. Keep them coming folks, we need more submissions, so get your bag on Send me a hi resolution image of the bag (please make sure it is horizontal) and its contents, with some details about yourself and what you shoot. Oh and don’t forget your contact details (twitter, flickr, tumbler et al). Send the bag shots here. Cheers Japancamerahunter Link to original post

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