What's Your Current Messenger Bag?

courierware messenger bag review

My messenger bag of choice is the Extra-Large, Super-Deluxe Messenger Bag made by Courierware USA (Super Deluxe Courier Bags). I bought it in 1995. Save for some light,nearly-invisible grease stains, it still appears to be in pristine condition despite having been heartily used and abused. It's served as my principle luggage for countless trips, and has accompanied me on all my voyages, including those overseas. I have also used it as a bag to haul physical training equipment (most notably, twokettlebells totaling 70 pounds on a long train ride (the bag took it much better than my shoulders did)) and...

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CourierWare Tablet Sleeve Review

courierware messenger bags ipad sleeve laptop bag courierware review

Reviewed by Sean Dosier / Last Updated on May 31, 2013  CourierWare tablet sleeve Since 1996, Courier Ware has been committed to provide ergonomic, beautiful bags to not only meet consumer demands, but to last a lifetime. This company’s premium quality carrying solutions are derived from their first product, the “Original Cambridge Courier Bag”. The firm doesn’t believe in outsourcing. All currentCourier Ware cases variations of the original flagship design are handcrafted at their headquarters in Vermont USA. Unlike some messenger bag companies, Courier Ware has already created an accessory for specific use with the Apple iPad. The Courier Ware iPad case ($30) is a padded...

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"Mystery Within" (Secret Pockets)

courierware courierware carry-on bags CourierWare Everyday Bag Secret pockets

Voice & chief editor: Jeffrey Cohen – mystery within hariteablog / March 13, 2014 Do I really have to go to India to get material for this blog? There we are at the Delhi domestic airport to catch a one-hour puddle jumper to Dheradun, which is close to the meditation location. The idea was to save a six-hour train ride, albeit one with such amenities as possible fried veg cutlet and toilet facilities which consist of a hole in the floor over the train tracks. I so get it about India – that any held concept or belief, regardless of shape or size,...

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Review : The Bare Bones Bag Stealth

bare bones bag bare bones bag by courierware camera bag review courierware camera bag stealth camera bag

I have collected a lot of camera bags over the past few years and have bags from Domke, Lowepro, Crumpler, Tamrac as well as a host of no name bags I have picked up on my travels or in the bargain bin of a going out of business camera shop. Each bag has something I like but none are what I would call “the ultimate bag”. The bag I use the most is a messenger type bag I picked up for €12 in a clothing store in Finland. It has no padding and is not really designed for holding camera...

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Review: CourierWare Original Messenger Bag

courierware messenger bag review courierware messenger bags

See This Youtube review of a CourierWare Original  Messenger Bag used for travel and to carry photography equipment. CourierWare Original Messenger Bag   link to original post

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